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Brazil Games Export Sector Projectis a non-profit international promotion program, the result of a partnership between the Brazilian Association of Electronic Games Developers, ABRAGAMESa private, non-profit legal entity whose aim is to serve its members by strengthening the national digital games industry; and Apex-BrasilApex-Brasil, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, which works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign direct investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.

This Manual provides information on the criteria, rights and duties of the parties that make up the Brazil Games Export Sector Project.

Project Adhesion

The Brazil Games Export Sector Project Brazilian companies that develop digital games on national territory and aim to internationalize their activities.

The associates to the project will be admitted by forwarding the online application form.

Withdrawal and dissemination

  1. The member may disconnect at his own initiative in any period, upon written presentation of a dismissal request, at no cost. If a debtor, you should pay off your debts before leaving.
  2. The associated company will be suspended to stop delivering financial reports of counterpart and results surveys regarding the participation in a trade promotion event promoted by the project and the one that fails to pay the association monthly fees to the Brazil Games Export Sector Project.
  3. There are no restrictions on the readmission of associates, provided that their financial issues (if any) are settled.

What are counterpart documents?

In the case of participation of the Brazilian company in international activity (fairs, promotional events such as XDs, game connection America, GDC, Game Connection Europe, Gamescom, Big Festival, etc.), business rounds, workshops and training made in Brazil or another country, If there is a displacement of your city of origin:

a. The Electronic Air Ticket (e-ticket) and travel insurance, both with value;

b. Simple copy of Tax Documents (NF or Invoice)/Hosting Value Receipts (Hotel, Hostel or Airbnb) during the event period;

c. Simple copy of tax documents for food and transportation during the event period;

d. Simple copy of tax documents for service expenses for the adequacy of their game for the international market, international consulting, mentoring, press office, acceleration and public relations program, provided that it is duly justified.

Important to remember that credit card proof is not valid!

Duties of associated companies

Are duties of the associated companies:

1. Provision of data and information, whenever requested by the project, as specified in the Adhesion Agreement;

2. Send to embrames the counterparts supporting the participation in international events organized by the project, through the financial report of duly completed and signed counterparts and with the simple copies of the tax documents listed therein. This shipping can be done with all PDF scanned documentation.

Rights of associated companies

The activities of the Brazil Games Export Sector Projectare linked to the international trade promotion of games/digital games services and products produced by Brazilian companies and are exclusive companies associated with the project.

The rights of member companies, whether or not they are linked to ABRAGAMESas long as they are up to date with their financial obligations and other duties, to participate in any matters related to the Project, such as;

a) presence on the international website;

b) workshops with international experts;

c) participation in industry fairs (such as Game Connection);

d) commercial prospecting missions;

e) Buying and Image Projects (Big Festival – Business Rounds in Brazil);

f) Specialized consultancies;

g) Promotional material.


The Brazil Games Export Sector Projectis guided by a Management Committee composed of ABRAGAMESby companies in the sector associated with the project, the project’s executive manager and the Apex-Brasil project manager.

The Steering Committeeis responsible for serving as a forum for validating the most important aspects of the project, such as the target audience, the general objective, the strategic focus, the premises, the proposed results and the project’s actions;

Reorient the shares, if necessary, in the direction that best meets the needs of entrepreneurs and the market;

Evaluate project results;

Strategically think the future of the sector regarding the increase in the competitiveness of Brazilian products and services in the international market.

Project Adhesion Agreement

When associating with the project your company will receive the Adhesion Agreement (below) where it declares to know and agree with the objectives of the project.

A empresa associada ao Projeto de Exportação Brazil Games, declara que:

  1. Know and agree with the objectives, expected results, and the actions to be developed by the project;
  2. It is interested in participating in the project actions;
  3. It will make available to Apex-Brazil all relevant information to monitor the project results and the diagnosis of the profile of companies served by the agency, including new CNPJs that will perform export operations by the company or branches;
  4. Authorizes SECEX (Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade) to provide APEX-Brazil information from the company regarding exported values, quantities and products, as well as the destination markets of exports, which will be used Exclusively for the planning of APEX-Brasil trade promotion actions and their partner entities, and under any circumstances, the subject of assignment to third parties.
  5. Authorizes Apex-Brazil to use company data to, in an aggregate manner, consolidate project information for study and analysis purposes.
  6. It is aware that this term of adhesion, duly signed, is an indispensable condition for enjoying the benefits of the above export promotion project.
  7. The legal representative (s) above mentioned above has full powers of representation, assuming, for all legal purposes, any responsibilities arising from the signing of this adhesion term.
  8. Its individual performance is of fundamental importance for the whole of other participating companies and for the image of the country abroad.
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