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Video games are interactive audiovisual works that place the player at the center of the experience, allowing active participation in a digital environment. In them, the user uses skills, creativity and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve proposed goals. On the other hand Games of bad luck are activities in which the results depend mostly on luck, such as rolling, bingo and slot hunts, with the main purpose of obtaining financial gains, usually uncertain.

In Portuguese, the word “game” is generally employed, which often leads to conceptual confusion between not equivalent activities. In other languages, such as English, there is a greater diversity of terms (such as bets for bets, gambling for gambling and igaming a term that brings together online casinos, online bets and other online gambling forms) that facilitate communication about these different activities. This contributes to a more accurate understanding of distinctions between video games and gambling.

No, video games do not involve bets with real money. The central motivation of video games lies in the playful experience they offer, exploring different genres and modalities, such as entertainment games, educational, artistic and many others. Video games, or rather games, can also be used in therapeutic and training contexts for basic industries through simulators.

In some cases, electronic games may include the option of purchases within their own environment (such as items or updates), but these transactions are accessory, i.e. they are not essential for the game progression. Most of the time, it is possible to play fully without making use of real money, this use restricted and conditioned, and not linked to the main objective of the game.

In contrast, in betting games the player needs to deposit real money with the expectation of obtaining a financial return, which configures a completely different economic structure from that of video games.

No, it is incorrect to equate video games to gambling or bets because they are distinct categories, both in nature and in regulation. Video games are based on skill, critical thinking and decision making to achieve their goals, being widely applied in various contexts, such as education, health, professional training and even work environments to increase productivity. Its regulation is made by Law 14.852/2024.

On the other hand, the games of unlucky are mainly on luck, and its regulation is now focused on the control of bets and igaming activities, or online casinos and bets, by Law 14.790/2023.

There is still no regulation in the country for casinos activities and other wise gaming modalities in physical spaces, having their activity for now, considered illegal.

In the National Congress, bills are being processed in the National Congress that aim to regulate and regulate gaming activities in physical spaces.

Therefore, besides being different in essence, these two types of games are treated differently by public laws and policies.

The Sports bets (bets) are a wise game modality in which real money is based on predictions about the result of sporting events. The player assumes the financial risk, waiting for a return in case of hit. The videogames are focused on entertainment, education and training, skill development and cognitive development, allowing the player to control the game’s progress and narrative without the need for betting or direct involvement with real money. The goal in video games is fun, knowledge gain and skill training, challenge and immersion in experience, not financial gain.

No, games like the “Tiger Game” are not considered video games. Although they are digital and interactive, they fall into the gambling/igaming category. This type of game’s main objective is to bet real money in search of financial gains, and the results are predominantly based on luck, as in roulette, slot machines and other gambling games.

Video games, on the other hand, are interactive works whose focus is on entertainment, education and training of players, without direct involvement of financial bets.

No. The “Marco Legal dos Games” (LAW Nº 14,852, OF MAY 3, 2024) was created to exclusively regulate the video games sector in Brazil, dealing with aspects related to production, marketing and incentives for the development of the electronic game industry in the country. The focus of the legislation is to stimulate the growth and competitiveness of the video game sector, promoting technological advancement, job creation, cultural and artistic innovation, and the promotion of the export of games developed in Brazil. Video games, as defined in the legal framework, are interactive works that involve creativity, skills and decision making of players, encompassing a variety of genres ranging from educational games to pure entertainment, without involving real money bets.

The Gambling and betting, however, are explicitly excluded from the scope of the legal framework. This is clearly established in article 5, sole paragraph of Law 14.852/2024, which delimits that the milestone does not apply to activities whose main purpose is financial gain through betting or lucky games.

These games, such as rolling, bingos, slot hunts and sports bets, are regulated by specific legislation, Law 14,790/2023, which establishes standards for betting and gambling activities online in Brazil. This law defines the parameters for the operation of these activities, imposing rules of control, tax collection and consumer protection, as well as establishing measures to avoid abusive or harmful practices to players.

Therefore, there is a clear and legal separation between the video game sector and the gambling and online bets in Brazil. While the Legal milestone of games seeks to foster the creative and technological industry of video games, Law 14.790/2024 regulates economic activities involving luck and financial bets online, ensuring that both areas are treated differently and according to their specificities.

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